Museum Schedule
Our hours are Thursdays 10am to noon and 2pm to 4pm and on the second and fourth Sundays from 2pm to 4pm. We are also open by appointment. You can contact us for research assistance by phone, 860-875-4326 or by email,
VHS Fund Raisers
VHS Craft Fair
Our annual craft fair will be Saturday November 30th and December 1st.
Crafter interested in participating can call the Museum at 860-85-4326 or send an email to
The popular "Nearly New" table is back. . Donated items can be dropped off at the Historical Society’s Museum at 734 Hartford Tpke. (Rte. 30) in Vernon on any Tuesday afternoon from 2 PM to 4 PM and Thursdays from 10 AM to 12 Noon and 2 PM to 4 PM.
Window Restoration Grant. The windows in the Museum building are nearly 100 years old and need restoring. We applied for a matching grant from the State Historic Preservation Office to complete this project. We were delighted to receive $40,825. Architect Robert Hurd prepared bid documents outlining the requirements for restoring the original windows. Once this document was reviewed and accepted by the SHPO, the VHS Window Committee solicited bids from several qualified preservation contractors. The committee met with representatives from each firm. After reviewing the final bids, the Committee chose Proulx Building & Remodeling of Stafford Springs to perform the restoration. Proulx has completed several successful historic restoration and/or rehabilitation projects in Eastern Connecticut. At present work on the project should start in August and is expected to be done by October. The Society thanks the State Historic Preservation Office for the grant to complete this long awaited project.
Mission Statement
The Vernon Historical Society is a volunteer operated, non-profit organization. The purpose of the Society is to create interest and activity in the field of local history.
The Museum building serves as a repository for a variety of collected materials that are available to the general public for research.
These collections aid historians, genealogists, and interested citizens in research, and provide source materials for exhibits, publications and programs.
During Museum hours, volunteers are present to answer questions and provide access to collected materials.
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Upcoming Events
2024 Programs & Activities
The French Connection
Sunday September 8th at 2pm
The Marquis de Lafayette spent time all over the eastern part of the fledging somewhat United States of America. Professor Vincent Pitts will discuss this famous French aristocrat and military officer who volunteered to join the Continental Army as a member of General George Washington's staff. Truly the Marquis is a hero on both continents. The one hour program will be held at the upper level of the Vernon Historical Society building, 734 Hartford Turnpike.
Sea Turtles Friday
October 11th at 6:30pm
When a local fisherman caught a large sea turtle in the 1950s, he displayed it to friends and family in Rockville, sparking an interest in his son in learning about and saving these creatures.
Learn about advances in marine biology at Union Church, 3 Elm Street, Rockville.
“Witches in Connecticut”
Sunday October 20th 2pm
Bring your own broom for transit back to 17th Century Connecticut and the earliest witch trials in North America. Connecticut, a trendsetter, began hanging witches decades before their brethren in Salem. Annie O’Brien of the Connecticut Museum of Culture and History will bring to life the harrowing story of witch hangings in the Colonial Period, that haunt us yet! This program will be held in the upstairs meeting hall of the Society at 734 Hartford Tpke.
Textile Mill Work in Eastern Connecticut, 1890-1910
Saturday November 9th 10am
Unless you were a physician or an attorney, most of your “career paths” meant farm work or mill work. In this fascinating portrayal of life in a typical textile mill in Eastern Connecticut, you will learn about the factory path. (Next year you will experience the farm path.)
Dr. Bruce Clouette, a field historian and archaeologist will lead us through the reality of textile mill work, so common in Rockville. Join us at the Vernon Historical Society, 734 Hartford Tpke. (Route 30)
New Publication Covers Vernon's Colonial Era History
David Allis and the Birth of Vernon" by local historian Jon Roe sheds a light on Vernon's history when it was part of Bolton from its founding in 1720. In 1808 North Bolton became the Town of Vernon. Blending this history with the story of the prominent Allis family, readers will learn about life for settlers in the 18th century along with the role that David Allis and community leaders played in the American Revolution.
The book is available at the Vernon Historical Society for $18. For an additional fee of $4 for a padded envelope and postage, books can be sent by mail.
Special offer- Anyone making a $100 donation toward the Newspaper Digitization Project can receive a free copy of the book.
Supplies are limited so contact the Vernon Historical Society at 860-875-4326 or
Digitizing Our Local Newspapers
Click here to learn more about this project and how to donate.
Tolland County Journal: 1867-1884
Rockville Journal: 1885-1899 and 1911-1968
Rockville Leader: 1902, 1908, 1910, 1919-1964
Tri-Town Reporter: 1973-1984
Newspaper project video- Our friends at the Community Voice Channel came to VHS for a "Behind the Scenes" look at the digitization project. Click here to view the video. Many thanks to Sara and Melanie from CVC for producing this film!
VHS Video Productions
“Rockville High School:150 Years of Excellence and Community"
The RHS lecture was filmed by our friends at the Community Voice Channel. It can be viewed by clicking here.
"Remembering World War II” - Video
In October 2021 the successful premier of the video production of “Boosting Our Morale: Soldiers’ Letters to the Rockville Journal During World War II” occurred. The video consisted of readings from letters written to the editor of the Rockville Journal during the War by local men and women in service. Members of the Rockville High School Drama Club read the letters accompanying the film.
For those who could not attend, the film is available on the Society’s YouTube page.
Click here to follow the link
VHS Virtual Fall Program “Goes Live”
“History in Plain Sight: Monuments & Memorials in Vernon Connecticut” a special video presentation will serve as our Fall Program for 2020.
The video is available at the Society’s You Tube page. Go to Then search for Vernon Historical Society or use this link.
Click here for a map of the locations featured. in the video.
The video was created with the assistance of VHS volunteers and members of the community. M5Digital Technologies donated their time to assemble the images and voiceover recordings into a finished film.
“History in Plain Sight: Monuments & Memorials in Vernon Connecticut” was designed to highlight places in town with historic significance. Another purpose for the film was to encourage viewers to visit these places, in effect combining education with exercise.
You have your assignment. Watch the film. Then go find the places.
The Art of Gustave Hoffman (1869-1945)
An exhibit of the etchings by local artist Gustave Hoffman is on display at the Museum. The pieces were collected by Michael Sharon and donated in honor of this parents, Dr. Michael and Jean Sharon.
Click here for a short video about this special exhibit.
Finding Aids for selected VHS collections included
in Connecticut's Archives Online Database.